Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Keith R.A. DeCandido

I had seen the guest list for the Serenity screening last night, and noticed that Keith R.A. DeCandido was on the list. Keith is the author of several Star Trek books, amongst other novels, stories, etc. He's actually written some of my best-loved ST novels.

So, seeing his name on the list, I tucked one of my trusty ST novels into my bag, and off I went to the screening. I'd hoped that, if I saw him there, I'd get my courage up and ask him to sign it. Little did I know that I'd end up next to him in line for the film and have quite a nice conversation. I did, at the end of it, ask him (fan girl like) to sign my book. He did so. I emailed him in thanks this morning, and he actually emailed me back! Very nice man.


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