Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I do love July 4th

As I sat at the end of my drive yesterday, drinking a beer, watching the fireflies flicker in the darkness, an explosion of fireworks rose over the trees across the street. The sky trailed stars: red, white, and blue. At that moment, I realised how lucky I am to live where I do.

I remember one year I was flying back from a business trip, returning home on the July 4th night. As my plane passed over the Jersey Shore, I could see firework displays happening below me, each town lighting their tributes over the open water.

I wax poetic, but in summary, the July 4th weekend freekin' rocks. It's a great time to be in the US. Any o'y'all want to come by next year, just show up. We'll keep the beer cold for ya.


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